Monday, September 30, 2019

Thesis Sample

Thesis sample ******GIVEMEFREEART. COM******* About This File Resolution: 1280Ãâ€"720 Run time: 26 seconds Codec Used: photo jpeg File Type: Quicktime Created by: Logan Kenesis Programs Used to make it: After effects Cinema4d Thank you for downloading i hope you enjoy it If you like the art here at givemefreeart. com Help Support Us here is how 1. Make a donation 2. Sign up for our Newsletter on the homepage 3. Participate in the forums 4. Comment on the files you download 5. Link to our website in your projects or on your website If you have any questions or suggestions please post them in the forum here http://givemefreeart. om/phpBB3******GIVEMEFREEART. COM******* About This File Resolution: 1280Ãâ€"720 Run time: 26 seconds Codec Used: photo jpeg File Type: Quicktime Created by: Logan Kenesis Programs Used to make it: After effects Cinema4d Thank you for downloading i hope you enjoy it If you like the art here at givemefreeart. com Help Support Us here is how 1. Make a donation 2. 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COM******* About This File Resolution: 1280Ãâ€"720 Run time: 26 se conds Codec Used: photo jpeg File Type: Quicktime Created by: Logan Kenesis Programs Used to make it: After effects Cinema4d Thank you for downloading i hope you enjoy it If you like the art here at givemefreeart. com Help Support Us here is how 1. Make a donation 2. Sign up for our Newsletter on the homepage 3. Participate in the forums 4. Comment on the files you download 5. Link to our website in your projects or on your website If you have any questions or suggestions please post them in the forum here http://givemefreeart. om/phpBB3******GIVEMEFREEART. COM******* About This File Resolution: 1280Ãâ€"720 Run time: 26 seconds Codec Used: photo jpeg File Type: Quicktime Created by: Logan Kenesis Programs Used to make it: After effects Cinema4d Thank you for downloading i hope you enjoy it If you like the art here at givemefreeart. com Help Support Us here is how 1. Make a donation 2. 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COM******* About This File Resolution: 1280Ãâ€"720 Run time: 26 seconds Codec Used: photo jpeg File Type: Quicktime Created by: Logan Kenesis Programs Used to make it: After effects Cinema4d Thank you for downloading i hope you enjoy it If you like the art here at givemefreeart. com Help Support Us here is how 1. Make a donation 2. Sign up for our Newsletter on the homepage 3. Participate in the forums 4. Comment on the files you download 5. Link to our website in your projects or on your website If you have any questions or suggestions please post them in the forum here http://givemefreeart. om/phpBB3******GIVEMEFREEART. COM******* About This File Resolution: 1280Ãâ€"720 Run time: 26 seconds Codec Used: photo jpeg File Type: Quicktime Created by: Logan Kenesis Programs Used to make it: After effects Cinema4d Thank you for downloading i hope you enjoy it If you like the art here at givemefreeart. com Help Support Us here is how 1. Make a donation 2. 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COM******* About This File Resolution: 1280Ãâ€"720 Run time: 26 seconds Codec Used: photo jpeg File Type: Quicktime Created by: Logan Kenesis Programs Used to make it: After effects Cinema4d Thank you for downloading i hope you enjoy it If you like the art here at giv emefreeart. com Help Support Us here is how 1. Make a donation 2. Sign up for our Newsletter on the homepage 3. Participate in the forums 4. Comment on the files you download 5. Link to our website in your projects or on your website If you have any questions or suggestions please post them in the forum here http://givemefreeart. com/phpBB3 Thesis Sample Lyceum of the Philippines University Research and Publications Center RESEARCH PROPOSAL 1. 0 (Working)/ Title : An Assessment on the Impacts of Gastronomic Tourism in Intramuros Restoration| 2. 0 Name of ProponentFrance Kayla M. VillamorH-444B| 2. 1 College/DepartmentCollege of International Tourism and Hospitality Management| 3. 0 Statement of the Problem Generally, the study seeks to assess the impacts of Gastronomic Tourism in the restoration of Intramuros.The researcher would like to know if the said subset of Cultural Tourism can have a great effect in the program of the Department of Tourism in restoring a heritage site of Intramuros. Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: 2. 1 Age 2. 2 Gender 2. 3 Frequency of visit in Intramuros1. 3. a Local tourist1. 3. b. Foreign tourist 2. 4 Reasons for visiting Intramuros 2. What are the programs being implemented to restore Intramuros? 3. 5 By the Department of Tourism 3. By the Intramuros AdministrationAmong these programs, what are for Gastronomic Tourism? 3. What is the current status of Gastronomic Tourism in Intramuros? 4. How can Gastronomic Tourism be beneficial to capture a huge volume of tourists coming in to Intramuros? 5. What are the impacts of Gastronomic Tourism in the restoration of Intramuros? Objectives of the Study (Formulate the research objectives) 1. To collect the profile of the respondents visiting Fort Santiago. 2. To list the programs being implemented to restore Intramuros by the Department of Tourism and Intramuros Administration; and to classify what is for Gastronomic Tourism. . To know the current status of Gastronomic Tourism in Intramuros. 4. To analyze the benefits of developing Gastronomic Tourism in capturing a huge volume of tourists coming in to Intramuros. 5. To enumerate the effects of Gastronomic Tourism in the restoration of Intramuros. | 4. 0 Background of the Study (Discuss the significance of the study, how the study contributes to existing knowledge, social relevance of the study, basic assumptions as well as the scope and limitation of the study) World Tourism Organization (2009) defines Tourism as, â€Å"It omprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited. † Tourism in general has two forms; Mass Tourism and Alternative Tourism. Mass Tourism represents the traditional transportation of large scale of people in a short period of time, while Alternative Tourism represents a modern small-scale tourism.Furthermore, Alternative Tourism is classified from Natural Tourism, Cultural Tourism, Events Tourism, and other forms of Tourism. UNWTO’s Tourism 2020 Vision forecasts that international arrivals will reach 1. 6 billion by the year 2020. East A sia and the Pacific is on the second place in the top three regions that are expected to have a high volume of tourist arrivals of with a number of 397 million. According to the Department of Tourism (DoT), the volume of tourists from January to April 2012 has increased by 14. 61% from last year’s 1,306,944 to this year’s 1,497,851.Koreans are still in the 1st rank on the most numbered of tourist which accumulates to 330,343 which is 22. 05% of the total visitor inflow. Followed by Americans with a figure of 239,978 which is 16. 02% of visitor share. National Statistical Census Board (NSCB) used the 2010 data from DoT offices and come up that Metro Manila has 2. 3 million domestic arrivals. (Expat, 2012) One of the most popular tourist destinations in Manila is the walled city of Intramuros. It was built on 1571 by the Spaniards during their occupation.It came from Latin words â€Å"intra muros† which literally means â€Å"within the walls†. It is the old est district in Manila that is surrounded by thick, high walls. (Philippine Country) In 2003, former DoT Secretary Richard Gordon has chosen Intramuros to be the venue of â€Å"Best of Regions† – a year-long event for the â€Å"Visit Philippines 2003†. (Manila Bulletin, 2003)————————————————- In able to help in the preservation of the historical place of Intramuros, the researcher aims to assess the impacts of Gastronomic Tourism in the area. ———————————————— | 5. 0 Significance of the Study Research is an important tool to help specific group/s of individual to test, to evaluate, and to discover new things that will be later beneficial to them. Developing Gastronomic Tourism in a historical place like Intramuros can have a great effect to th e local community and to other related areas of Tourism. This study aims to benefit the following groups. 1. Department of Tourism. An increase in the volume of tourists coming in to your locality is a good indication of a growing industry.It is directly proportional to employment, income, and infrastructure. It also reflects the potential of the place in the field of tourism. 2. Intramuros Administration. The result will give them the information on how can Gastronomic Tourism affects the tourism business in Intramuros. 3. Travel Brokers. This includes Travel Agents and Travel Wholesalers that offer tour packages in Intramuros. They can attract more tourism consumer especially foreign tourists by including a more personal Filipino experience than their usual travel pattern. . Foreign and Local Tourists. One of the reasons why people travel is to satisfy their gastronomical cravings. Giving them the chance to experience authentic Filipino cuisine from different regions of the countr y by just visiting one place can help them to save time and money. 5. LPU. A huge part of the school’s population is from the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management; hence this research may be useful to the students from the said college as their reference material. 6.Future Researchers. Tourism and Culinary related courses are now on its peak; the result of this study can give other students further information that they can be used in the future. | 6. 0 Scope and Limitation (with population and sample) The study will focus on Gastronomic Tourism, a subset of Cultural Tourism, wherein the researcher will enumerate all programs being imposed by the Department of Tourism and Intramuros Administration in order to restore the heritage site of Intramuros.This information will be used in weighing the impacts of Gastronomic Tourism in restoration of Intramuros and in weighing the current status and development of the said subset of Tourism. The researcher will give out survey questionnaire which will be delimited to international and domestic tourists coming in at Fort Santiago, Intramuros. The researcher will get the average number of tourist (N) from July 9 to 11, 2012 at 8a. m. to 5p. m. and will use the Slovin’s formula to come up to the total number of respondents (n) that will be used in the study.There will be an age bracket to maintain the reliability of data that will be gathered. | 7. 0 Working Bibliography (Include bibliography and web bibliography) 1. www. world-tourism. org 2. Best of Metro in Intramuros. Retrieved from October13, 2004, http://www. travelsmart. net/article/105571/ 3. Intramuros Manila Philippines. Retrieved from 2006, www. philippinecountry. com/philippine_tourist_spot/intramuros. html 4. Ramos, R. (2012, June24-July7).Battle Over Top Tourist Destination Not Over Yet? Expat, pp. 1| 8. 0 Gantt Chart of Activities| Type of Activity| June| July| | | | Gantt Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | R efine your topic with your advisor| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Approval of topic| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Draft of chapter 1| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Submission of research proposal chapter 1| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9. 0 Research Related Costs| |Details| Amount (in Pesos)| Printing| | Panel Fees| | Research Binding (LPU Publications Office)| | 10. 0 Profile of ResearcherName: France Kayla M. Villamor Age:20 Gender: Female| | Birthdate: July 17, 1992 Course: BSIHM-HRA| | | | Proposal Evaluation Rating: _______| Endorsed by:Leonardo Hogar D. R. D. M_______ | Evaluated by:Joseph Monzon_______________| Evaluated by:_Dr. Gerald Abergos| Research Adviser | Research Panelist| Research Panelist|

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Modern Management 4_PD

The job description is a list of particular activities or tasks an employee should undertake in an organization under the particular position he/she holds.   It is a sort of a formal statement and is highly specific to an employee in order to avoid creating confusion.   If a job description is clear, the employee can center on his goals within the organization and can succeed.   The organization would also become more efficient.   An individual would have to perform certain tasks or make sure that another person executes those tasks. The job description helps the employees to bring about certain levels in performance and act as a guide to help them achieve their goals.   The manager of the organization delegates the job description so that each and every employee can perform their activities.   The activities should be distributed in such a manner that efficiency and effectiveness of the employee is brought about. The process of allocating the work and doing the job analysis varies from time to time and depends on several factors including the aims and objectives of the organization and the conditions prevailing.   There may be three issues related to responsibility, namely, distributing the job activities, being responsible and clarifying the job activities of the managers.   The process of job analysis involves several processes including:- 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   determining the aims and objectives of the organization 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   determine the jobs to be performed to achieve these objectives 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   accumulating the available job descriptions 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   preparing the job analysis questionnaire (has the job title, summary, duties to be performed, time allocations, relationships with others in the organization, educational qualifications required, etc) 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   any other issues have to be addressed accordingly 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Additional activities in case the data gaps are still present such as interview questionnaire, performance appraisals, organizational surveys, discussions, etc. 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A final job description is then prepared 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The employees should be made more responsible for performing their duties The outbreak of the internet has made mangers to focus heavily on this segment and make job descriptions to suit these positions.   The data regarding various organizational functions is specifically analyzed and handled using programs.   One of the main duties of an information analyst is to design and create new programs that can be custom-made to suit the end-user.   The internet is having a major role in modifying the job descriptions as more efficient ways of helping the employees to achieve the objectives of the organization are discovered.   The programmers are concentrating on the internet rather than programming to ensure that their information systems are adjusted to suit current trend. This technology has permitted the employees to interact more closely with the clients.   For an organization to succeed, high connectivity internet along with adequate broadband capabilities is required.   The organizational information should be available to the clients in order to bring about success.   The management could also use the internet to make money (as internet business is a trend nowadays).   It is very important that an organization concentrates on the internet, as it could play a major role in bringing about success of the organization. Organizational chart is the manner in which the work of the company or organization is distributed to bring about efficiency and effectiveness.   The matrix organizations are the modifications of the traditional organizational setup to bring about certain changes that would enable completion of certain activities.   The changing of the organizational chart to suit the specific needs is known as project organizations’. The organization I belong to has 4 divisions, namely, the clinical trials department, the data management department, the biochemical department and the bioengineering department.   Each of these departments would be having two phases, namely, the resources allocation phase and the market phase, along with support to the projects that exist within the organization.   Each project would have a production unit, engineering and research unit, logistics unit, HR unit and the accounts and administration unit.   These units could be further divided into project A, B, C, D, etc. Each of these projects has an in-charge manager.   The work would usually flow or begin from the accounts unit (For allocations of resources), human resource unit, logistics units, engineering and research unit (for development of technology) and finally into the production unit.   Once a particular project is completed, then the organization would get back to the traditional chart in which each of the units are not subdivided as per the projects existing. Having such a structural organizational chart has several benefits and limitations.   The ability to manage the workflow, client satisfaction levels, development time, costs, quality, etc, can easily be controlled.   However, organizational charts can bring about difficulty in operations and conflicts in handling day to day issues.   Sometimes, it may be very difficult to manage such an organization.   The organization should be interested in changing the present traditional organizational setup into a matrix model to suit the changing needs which may be short-term. The organization would be having several departments as each of tense departments would be under a particular manager.   Each of these managers would be having several units and each of these units would be contributing to a particular project.   Each of these projects would be sharing some of the fixed log-term resources with another project. In my organization, all the five units exist, namely the accounts unit, personal unit, logistics unit and the production unit are existent.   Wrigley’s chewing gum brought about lot of changes the structure of the organization, and modifications were observed to all the units.   These departments help to eliminate or add certain activities exercised by the organization.   The flow of work in an organization can be brought about one factor that lies before one of these criteria. The Wrigley’s experience is a situation in which all the five units or levels are present and have to be managed to ensure the proper flow of work.   The extent of success achieved by one product or services various depending on several factors which may be the motivational levels of the staff, incentives provided, proper logistic management, conducting adequate amount of research and finally creating the product or service. References: Cresto, S. C. and Cresto, S. T. (2006). Chapter 3: Organianl aChange and Stress, Modern Management, (10th ed), New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, pp. 299-322.      

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Above the Line Advertising Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Above the Line Advertising - Research Proposal Example In the last decade, a lot of research has been dedicated to conceptualizing and measuring customer-based brand equity. However, apart from putting forth various influencing factors, no integrative framework has so far been developed to account for the complex psychological processes underlying the formation of customer-based brand equity. In this context, this paper attempts to propose such a framework by drawing on the theory of the Elaboration Likelihood Model. (Kotler, 1997) This simple reason as to why ATL marketing is not used at all, or not used beyond the launch of a product, by popular brands is that these brands need to retain exclusivity in terms of the outreach and target audience that they are catering to. This generally implies a younger crowd which is constantly on the lookout for things that define their personalities in the most unique way, and in ways that they will not find anywhere else. Implications for Advertising Agencies A decade or so ago, branding meant little to people. Branding until then simply involved designing a logo or creating a corporate profile that will help identify it and differentiate it from other brands. In the past decade, things on the branding front have undergone a sea change due to above the line advertising. There is now a strong emphasis on brand building through the explicit communication of a vision in the whole organization where strong brands are more than mere trademarks that people recognize. In the generation of a branding idea and implementation of the same to build a brand profile, organizations behind the strong brands have managed to build a brand identity. "Brand identity should help establish a relationship between the brand and the customer by generating a value proposition involving functional, emotional or self-expressive benefits" (Aaker 1991).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Basquiat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Basquiat - Essay Example While the novel is key to point out the significance of Basquiat's brand "Broken Heart," the film just shows him plastering it all over anything that inspires him wherever he goes. While the book describes the unique character of many of the odd balls and eccentrics that surround Basquiat, the film relates this to the audience by actually having contemporary actors who they perceive as eccentric and odd in their own right. Actors like Dennis Hopper, Benisio Del Toro, David Bowie, Gary Oldman and Christopher Walken, all have their respective reputations with being connected to drug culture. Jeffrey Wright's depiction of Basquiat is a perfect example of a life of addiction lived in the new wave art movement of the 1980's. Wright adds certain mannerism to his body language and inflictions in his dialogue that the book can't translate over to the reader. Basquiat is a mysterious and intriguing character and many fans of his work wouldn't mind retracing his life. There is also the aspect of 80's culture in America, which is a blend of art and pop culture that is not often clearly defined through films produced in that era. The decade poses just as much mystery as the life of Basquiat. Hoban's book expresses very well how deeply imbedded Basquiat was into the drug culture. It also keeps a close grasp of the characters that surround Basquiat, allowing for a better case of name recognition. Throughout the film many characters like Gina Cardinale, Bruno Bischofberger, Albert Milo and pretty much anyone else in the movie other than Andy Warhol all get lost and can only be recog nized through their personalities, or talent of the particular actor playing them. -What light did Hoban shed on other artists and art dealers of the 80s and how well did she describe the "glitzy" art world of that era' Cite example from the book illustrate your points. Did the film give more or less insight into the decade' Compare and contrast the reading and the film. Be certain to explain which Explain why or why not. Hoban's novel does do a good job of expressing the extent of greed and decadence that was being cast upon the artists of the 80's. Ironically enough, the ideology of Andy Warhol and the rest of his entourage of fellow eccentrics called for a revolution of capitalism and marketing in art. Essentially the works of artists like Basquiat and Warhol can be deemed as the start of graphic design as it is known today. The closely knit relationship between art and capitalism that exploded into a cultural movement in the 80's is immediately depicted in Hobman's novel with Basquaits death in the opening of the book when the author says, "His father invited only a few of the artist's friends to the closed-casket funeral at Frank Campbell's; they were outnumbered by the phalanx of art dealers'The eulogy was delivered by Citibank art consultant Jeffrey Deitch, lending the moment an

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Rise of Imperial Rome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Rise of Imperial Rome - Essay Example Afterwards, more provinces became romanized and integrated they themselves played an increasing role in the empire governing. The people in the new provinces gradually started getting roman citizenship and later the provinces came to form significant minorities in the Rome senate (Jill, 286). However, the citizenships extended always tend to exclude women and slaves. The same time the provinces were be included in the senate, the economic centre of the empire began to move towards the provinces within the Roman Empire from Italy. Trade started expanding and extending to other markets such as Italy and beyond. The trading that went on within the provinces of trading everyday items between those in the empire created a sense of communion. However, a clear defined line between the east and west was still laid down. In the east Greek was spoken as an official language while in the west Latin was the official language at this time. However, through the years Latin remained to be a marker of Romanness. The trading opportunities for Rome Empire were diverse and plentiful. Roman glassware and pottery were traded east. Gold and silver coins were the main form of payment, draining 100 million sesterces every year from the empire. Among the trade that took place in Rome was also slave trade ( During Augustus reign as many as 35 percent of Italian people were slaves. Therefore Rome was marked as one of the five slave societies in history. Slaves in Rome Empire constituted at least a fifth of the people in the population and played a major role in the economy. History of the rise of imperial Rome Initially, Rome was governed as a republic before it becoming an empire. It had three major elements; the central government, military and provincial government. In the 3rd century BC, Rome had begun taking over provinces. During this time, Sulla and Caesar governed Rome and they had both achieved the rank of absolute ruler, however, their reign was short lived, owing to the crisis that the empire underwent in the 3rd century, which threatened its existence. Fortunately, the situation was stabilized and reunited. This was four centuries before it became the greatest empire. Furthermore, the provinces were administered by former praetors and consuls. The consuls and praetors were elected to one year term and held right of command. Consequently, Rome transitioned from republic to imperial autocracy due to the amassing of misappropriates military power and wealth by some men through their provincial commands and this was a lead factor for the transition. After the transition from a republic to an empire the first empire was Augustus. The first empire Augustus obtained his role as a supreme ruler after defeating Antony and Cleopatra in 31 BC, at the battle of Actium. The emperor was the overall authority in decision and policy making and his practical source of power and authority was the military. Augustus rejected titles associa ted with monarchy and otherwise referred to him as princeps which meant the leading citizen. Moreover, in his era, Augustus order to the chaos that almost took 20 years of civil war was finally brought to an end (Duncan, 24). Areas that had been added to the Roman republic needed to be reconstructed as provinces to the empire, therefore Augustus reorganised the provinces such as Asia Minor and Syria, and then held the Parthian empire in check using cunning diplomacy. During the reign

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Domestic violence against immigrant and refugee women in canada Research Proposal

Domestic violence against immigrant and refugee women in canada - Research Proposal Example Domestic violence is a broad subject and encompasses a wide variety of issues including physical abuse, sexual abuse of children and femicide. (Burns, K. 2008). In simple words, the term â€Å"Domestic Violence† is defined as the violence inflicted on an individual by someone from within their families. This research proposal for an explanatory research attempts to draw attention to the issue of rape and sexual abuse of refugee and immigrant women in Canada. The research will attempt to test the validity of relationship between sexual abuse and childhood domestic violence. (Denmark, F. 2006). Sexual abuse is defined as coerced sex or forced sex and is often accompanied by physical abuse during sexual activities. (Vine, C., & Alaggia, R. 2006) The explanatory research on sexual abuse and rape among refugee and immigrant women will help answer questions which would enable us to understand the deep rooted problem of domestic violence. We need to analyze different issues included in domestic violence and to identify the reasons which lead to violence being inflicted upon refugee and immigrant women in Canada. On the other hand, the research will open doors to issues which have not been extensively studied. One such issue is the determination of the existence of correlation between exposures to domestic violence during childhood and subjection to sexual abuse later on in life. In addition, we will also determine the rate of public satisfaction with government services provided to victims of rape and sexual abuse. Therefore, the main subject area of this explanatory research would be the identification of correlation between early exposure to domestic violence and increased vulnerability to sexual abuse and rape in future intimate relationships. The research will also address two of the most important sub areas of the issue of domestic violence which are emotional repercussions of sexual abuse and public satisfaction with the provision of government services to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

In what ways do cognitive biases affect decision-making Assignment

In what ways do cognitive biases affect decision-making - Assignment Example Cognitive biases affect decision-making when one wants to simplify complex decision situations (Das & Teng, 1999, pg. 760). Severe and systematic errors in decision-making result from the applications of ‘rule of thumb’ and adoption of heuristics. The contemporary ever-changing society does not allow long-term strategies, and in most cases, a quick decision saves company resources and determines their success in the business environment. There is often a need to evolve with the changing times and at times one has to make short-term and quick decision to address immediate needs. Cognitive biases result in temporal orientations in which one uses past happenings to predict the future impact of a decision. ‘Availability’ is a major heuristic that triggers cognitive biases, which eventually affect decision-making. It provides the bias of imagining in which decisions are about recent experiences. Decision makers often use their beliefs and previous experiences in current decision-making situations. This is common in organizations that focus on selected targets rather than broad-minded solutions. In such cases, cognitive biases arise because one may overlook important evidence and worthwhile objectives that may produce a different solution (Das & Teng, 1999, pg. 762). Cognitive biases limit a person to a limited number of objectives that can attain a goal. A small number of options if often favorable for most people and businesses because it saves time, energy, and money that could go to waste in brainstorming meetings. In the end, they have a list of alternative ideas that do not encompass fresh outlooks into a problem (Das & Teng, 1999, pg. 762). The assumption that ‘what has, will always be’, is dangerous, because it hinders appropriate decision-making. They serve as a as an impediment in the recognition of scientific non-intuitive knowledge. Cognitive bias develops an illusion of manageability in which a possibility of success higher than the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Short anwser Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Short anwser - Assignment Example 2. Consider the psychological consequences of stripping, delousing, and shaving the heads of prisoners or members of the military. What transformations take place when people go through an experience like this? When people go through experiences like this it makes them feel less than human because this kind of treatment is usually only metered out to animals. As a result of this people feel humiliated and that they are not special. Of course the purpose of this is to weaken self-confidence. The act of a push-up is not too hard to do for a man with average or above average strength, but after some time it does weaken the prisoners physically. This is an important form of punishment because the prisoners need to feel pain in order to make them submissive to the guards. Other forms of punishment, like psychological or emotional, work well but a physical aspect also needs to be included. If I was a prisoner in this situation then I would have behaved well because I would know that I would get the special treatment. This type of incentive always works well because it makes people think that if they just toe the line then everything will be okay. I would not be worried about prisoner solidarity because I would be in there for myself and other people can take care of their own interests. 5. Most prisoners believed that the subjects selected to be guards were chosen because they were bigger than those who were made prisoners, but actually, there was no difference in the average height of the two groups. What do you think caused this misperception? After many days of psychological and physical submission, the guards appeared to look bigger than they actually were. This is because they had power over the prisoners, and this gives the guards confidence that shows in their actions and mannerisms. Their behavior was the same in that most people have a natural respect

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Cancer Treatment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cancer Treatment - Research Paper Example The choice for treatment depends on factors such as location, degree of severity, grade of tumour and the general state of the patient. In essence, the goal of cancer treatment is to remove or destroy the malignant cells without excessive damage to the body. Surgical treatment involves surgical excision of a tumour or an entire organ but the propensity of cancer cells to microscopically metastases makes it effective only in localized small cancers such as breast and prostate tumours. Radiation therapy can come in the form of radiotherapy, X-ray therapy and irradiation and uses ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells. This kind of therapy is used for the treatment of cancers of the brain, cervix, larynx, breast, lung, pancreas, skin, prostate, stomach, uterus or soft tissue sarcomas. It is also used in the treatment of leukemia and lymphoma. Chemotherapy involves the treatment of cancer with cytotoxic drugs that can have many effects specifically geared towards the elimination of cancer cells. One of the effects of the drugs is to interfere with cell division by hindering the duplication of DNA and the separation of chromosomes. The anticancer drugs travel through the bloodstream making it useful for cancers that have spread. Leukemias a nd lymphomas and cancer of the testicles can be treated with chemotherapy but breast, colorectal, lung and prostate cancer cannot be cured by chemotherapy alone. Monoclonal antibody therapy involves the administration of antibodies that bind to a protein on the surface of the cancer cells. Anti-HER2/neu antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin) and the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab are examples of this type of treatment. Immunotherapy makes use of a variety of strategies to enhance the immune system of patients. Examples of these include interferons and cytokines for renal cell carcinoma and melanoma and intravesical BCG. The most common combination of cancer treatment is surgery or radiation therapy followed by chemotherapy. There are many factors that determine the effectiveness of each method but there is increasing preference for combined modalities. This includes not only the physical uniqueness of the patient but also the socioeconomic limitations of the patient and the state which may be sponsoring the treatment. It is quite well known that cancer treatment is a financially challenging enterprise. 2.0 Research Aim The financial cost of treatment varies according to the degree of treatment required and the goal of the research to be conducted is to determine whether price differentials have an effect in morbidity and mortality in cancer treatment. To be specific, the inquiry would look into whether costlier procedures would to lead better results which would be taken as the lowering or eliminating the cancerous cells in the patient's body. 3.0 Methodology As previously mentioned, there is an increasing trend towards multidisciplinary treatment of cancer implying that there could be difficulties in comparing efficiency and effectiveness due to the overlapping of treatment. There are also many forms of cancer which further compounds the complexity of the issue. These concerns necessitate the need to define and limit the scope of the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Last 100 Days Essay Example for Free

The Last 100 Days Essay The Last 100 Days, portrays the final occurrences of World War II in Europe in a way no high school textbook has ever been able to do. Unfortunately, there have been those whom I have encountered that have reduced The Last 100 Days to having the same dulling effects as one. However, upon reading it, my own opinions and conclusions were made. These will be covered more deeply upon first describing the author and then summarizing what I thought to be the major happenings of the book. Firstly, John Toland’s book seems to be a pure representation of fact based on diligent research. The personal opinions of the author are not present while reading the book, leaving it completely objective. This shows how Toland’s purpose is to inform and educate, rather than to indoctrinate. He presents both sides while passing no judgment on either, even while describing malicious acts such as the Red Army’s mistreatment of the fleeing civilians or the evidently foolish mistakes made by Hitler and his officers. The Last 100 Days is a narrative, and that’s all. John Toland puts forth an honorable work demonstrating qualities scarcely seen today in other works, the media, and even within our own government. Based on my reading of The Last 100 Days, John Toland would seem to be a truthful, while still purposeful, author. John Toland also does not fail in keeping the progression of the story interesting. With his research, he delves into how the opposing sides, factions, and individual characters feel. This keeps things captivating while simultaneously reporting the statistics and occurrences of the war. Toland demonstrates his writing ability, leaving the impression of a talented historic author. Moving on, the major happenings of The Last 100 Days shall now be covered. The story first opens with a description of the state of Allied POW’s at Sagan, most likely to show the severe conditions at this of World War II. There seems to still be a small chances for Germany, but it is faced with the pressing forces coming from the surrounding Allies, especially the Russians. The Russians unnecessarily demonstrated ruthlessness and even at times cruelty during their advancement including the execution of unarmed and injured German POW’s at Wugarten. This showed how even the seemingly â€Å"good guys† can be malicious during times of war. In the midst of this terror among many others, Germany’s eventual defeat becomes evident and several Allied countries meet at Yalta. At this meeting, the objectives include creating cooperation for a lasting peace and break down any walls preventing this. Britain and American threats continue to become larger as the prominent efforts made by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill help Allied forces cross the Rhine. Losing ground, Hitler launches a failed last offensive at the Battle of the Bulge, and continues to fall with the Russians taking Vienna, Lepzig being taken, and other losses. American president Franklin Delano Roosevelt passes away towards the final days the war in Europe, and is replaced by Harry Truman. Hitler begins to mentally collapse, and makes poor decisions for Germany. The commanders of Hitler’s army start to disobey Hitler’s orders as they realize the error of his decisions. Hitler realizes his inevitable defeat and humiliation and commits suicide prior to the Russians taking Berlin, Germany’s capital. What’s left of Hitler’s command surrendered and the Allies claimed victory on May 7, 1945. After reading about the final days the war in Europe from a different perspective, I’m left to decide what it meant to me. Many things I had no idea about came to the surface for me, so it was most definitely learning experience. The Last 100 Days helped to me to see things that happened in the war in a different way. It wasn’t the usual great men of valor triumphing over the evil Germans. That was probably my most favorite part of the book. I think that Toland did a nice job of bringing unknown facts and perspectives to light. In conclusion, reading The Last 100 Days was a stimulating and enlightening experience.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Micro-Strip Patch Antenna for Wideband Application

Micro-Strip Patch Antenna for Wideband Application Career Episode 1 CE 1.1 Introduction This career episode describes about the project which I have done during my vocational industrial training that was undertaken at Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited, India in 2009. The title of the project was Design and Fabrication of Micro-Strip Patch Antenna for Wideband Application. It was completed on time and I was awarded for it. This was my individual project. I was a Diploma student in Electronics Communication at Sarvoday Polytechnic Institute. CE 1.2 Background The project focuses on micro-strip antenna which are small in volumes, have great integration and are cost effective along with providing good performance. I tried to solve its disadvantage of having narrow impedance bandwidth, poor radiation efficiency and low gain. Recently the wideband technology is gaining consideration due to its communication systems that offer reduction in fading, high bandwidth, and low power needs. Wideband receivers make use of narrow band interference suppressions methods that will advance its performance range of communications and capacity. There is problem of jamming of receiver by these narrowband signals on the wideband systems. The reason for doing this project was its challenge to achieve multi frequency operations and enhancement of the bandwidth of wideband applications. And to solve the issue relating patch antenna having low gain and narrow bandwidth. And majorly to improve its capacity and range of communications. CE 1.3 Objective of project There are few methods that have been developed for enhancing bandwidth. They are: 1. by increasing thickness of substrate 2. by stacking different radiating elements of antenna vertically or laterally. 3. low dielectric permittivity 4. utilization of magnetic dielectric substrates. To form a thick substrate of low dielectric permittivity so that the bandwidth of printed patch increases. There was struggle with this approach for implementation of integrating antenna to other microwave circuits due to its large inductive image of input impedance of antenna and surface wave propagation. Bandwidth greater than 25% is achieved by loading of surface with the help of slots of appropriate shape. CE 1.4 My obligations As a team leader, I have many responsibilities and duties which I need to perform with honesty. Few of my duties were: To assign tasks to fellow team mates Perform research on related topics Design the hardware structure and finalize components for use. Motivate team members Study various reference materials to understand concepts and imply them Regularly report project guide about the status of my project Troubleshoot the project after its completion CE 1.5 Personal Engineering Activity A micro-strip antenna or also known as patch antenna comprises of a dielectric substrate that has a metallic ground plane on one side and a radiating metallic part on the other. They are mostly found in circular, elliptical or rectangle shapes for easy analysis and fabrication purpose. There are few micro-strip antenna that use metal patch mounted above ground plane using dielectric spacers instead of dielectric substrate. Modern printed circuit type technology is used to manufacture micro strip antenna which are relatively cheap. The size of antenna is directly related to wavelength at resonant frequency and employs at ultra-high frequency and high frequency. Below figures show the structures and inner view of micro-strip antennas. CE 1.6 Design Procedure I then started with designing of patch antenna. Various steps were involved which are described below. The design of a low-profile patch antenna is very complex. The fact is that the low profile, the wide impedance bandwidth and the omni directional radiation pattern cannot be accomplished simultaneously. Step 1: Calculate of the patch width Step 2: Calculate of the effective dielectric constant Step 3: Calculate of the effective length Step 4: Calculate of the length extension Step 5: Calculate of the actual length of the patch Step 6: Calculate of the ground plane dimensions The transmission line model is suitable for only infinite ground planes. However, for practical requirements, it is essential to have a finite ground plane. It observed from many literatures that similar results from finite and infinite ground planes can be obtained if the size of the ground plane is greater than the patch dimensions by approximately six times the substrate thickness around the periphery. CE 1.7 I started with constructing my wideband antenna with double band rejection feature as per my design steps. I did some calculations and then made a study on individual notches and their band notch properties. Proper care was taken to minimize the cross coupling among them and so that the operation is not hampered when integrating the notch elements. Thereafter, two L-shaped slits and an E-shaped slot of varying dimensions are etched on the radiating patch to produce notch characteristics. Then I also implemented a V-shaped strip on ground plane to achieve additional resonances at 15GHz and wide impedance bandwidth at this higher band. The major parameters affecting the performance properties of micro-strip patch antenna are patch length, width and inset of feed location along with the length and location of slots. By changing the value of à ¢Ã‚ Ã‚ º, one can determine the required sensitivity for impedance to match and then adjust the electromagnetic coupling between the patch and ground plan along without any extra cost. From my investigation on various design techniques I found the parameter variation of dimension to be the most reliable method. CE 1.8 I performed come calculation and effective length and dielectric constant can be calculated as Leff = L + 2ΆL. Also, the performance of an antenna can be measured considering number of parameters including critical ones like radiation pattern, gain, directivity, bandwidth, return loss and voltage standing wave ratio. Keeping the resonant frequency (fr or fo) as 7GHz and dielectric constant (ÃŽÂ µr) of 4.4. the height of dielectric substrate (h) is selected as 1.6mm. I made use of MATLAB application that provide GUI interaction. GUIDE provides tools that are useful in designing user interface for custom applications. It also auto-generates the MATLAB code for construction of GUI and can be modified by user. It can store in two file formats i.e. . fig file which as complete code description and .m file that has the actual code. CE 1.9 The major problems I faced while working on this project was in its design. As achieving enhanced bandwidth with multifrequency operations in many of the wideband patch antennas. Also, there was an issue concerning with the low gain and narrow bandwidth due to specifications that are used. And biggest challenge was to achieve good and better-quality performance with increased capacity and having wide range of communication using suppression techniques applied to patch antennas. CE 1.10 Working within a group during a project is a learning experience. I learnt how to get adjusted with the views and thoughts of other and how to stay connected and focused with each other to fulfill the project commitments and to compete with hassle-free. It taught me new ways to tackle things and situation. Programming and coding were not my forte so I got a chance to understand and gain knowledge about it from my team mates who knew it. At every stage I motivated, interacted and took suggestions from my team mates and gave a fair and unbiased solution and decision, as a team leader to any problem that we faced. CE 1.11 Summary I have proposed a small monopole antenna that has the characteristics of single and dual band notches and capability of being used in wideband applications. The antenna in my project works on 2.83GHz to 18.93GHz band and has two rejections between 3.47GHz to 4.33GHz and 5.10GHz to 5.80GHz band range. After performing various measurements and simulation on this project of antenna, it resulted in good relation with voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and loss returned. Thus, this thesis had met the objective of designing and simulating the wideband micro-strip patch antenna. It had also provided a sense of attainment as a substantial quantity of work had been accomplished. Nevertheless, there are still significant and vital areas that require further work. The project held lot of importance in my career as it was my first hands-on experience and that was a part of my curriculum and vocational training. My seniors, guides and professors were appreciating my work and stood by me when needed. This project built my confidence, leadership quality and strengthened my educational skills of electronics.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ligeia as a Triumph Over Patriarchy Essay -- Ligeia Essays

Ligeia as a Triumph Over Patriarchy  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   From the time that "Ligeia" was written, critics have searched for meaning within Poe's story of a beautiful woman who died and returned in another's body. While all critics have moved in different directions, many have arguably found an allegorical meaning behind the tale. Because many literary theories depend on each other, contemporary critics tend not to limit themselves to any single theory. Many critics employ multiple theoretical perspectives at once so that a text can be best understood. Many critics have looked to Poe's relationship with women for understanding, combining biographical and feminist theory, while other critics use a variety of approaches, such as formalism and psychoanalysis, to develop their own understanding of what they believe to be an allegory. The collection of literary criticism surrounding "Ligeia" is insightful and comprehensive, and readers have the opportunity to examine interpretations from many different branches of literary theory. B y looking at how critics from five different fields of criticism approach "Ligeia," readers can see how contemporary critics can interpret from a variety of perspectives in order to acquire some deeper understanding of the work.    One of the most widely used applications of literary criticism is formalism or as it is often called, New Criticism. The formalist perspective treats each piece of literature as a self-sufficient work, placing all avenues for understanding in the text itself, ignoring the social and political contexts of the author and publication, the author's biography, and other works by the same author. Formalist critics believe that form and structure are essential to the effectiveness of th... ...Linda J. "'Ligeia': The Facts in the Case." Studies in Weird Fiction. 21 (1997): 10-16. Howard, Brad. "'The Conqueror Worm': Dramatizing Aesthetics in 'Ligeia'." Poe Studies. 21.2 (1988): 36-43. Johanyak, Debra. "Poesian Feminism: Triumph or Tragedy." College Language Association Journal. 39.1 (1995): 62-70. Jones, Daryl E. "Poe's Siren: Character and Meaning in 'Ligeia.'" Studies in Short Fiction. 20.1 (1983): 33-37. Kennedy, J. Gerald. "Poe, 'Ligeia,' and the Problem of Dying Women." New Essays on Poe's Major Tales. Ed. Kenneth Silverman. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993. 113-129. McEntee, Grace. "Remembering Ligeia." Studies in American Fiction. 20.1 (1992): 75-83. Poe, Edgar Allan. "Ligeia." The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter 4th ed. Ed. Baym, Nina, et al. New York: WW Norton & Company, 1995. 655-664.   

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Finland: Nationalism, Development, and Values Essay -- World War II, Ru

While Finland is a rather young country in terms of independence, seeing that it was only in 1917 that it became independent, it is a country that has had a constant development of nationalism, values, and national identity. Finnish nationalism is highly shaped by its past before it was an independent country and by its neighbor, Russia. It also is affected by the three Wars which would involve its neighbor Russia. The three wars fought in WWII, events leading up to them, and their end results are all key points in developing Finnish Nationalism. These wars are the Winter War (1939-40) and the Continuation War (1941-44) in which Finland fought the Russians during WWII. Lastly, is the Lapland War (1944-45) in which the Finnish retreated from the Germans. These wars had lasting effects up until 1991 and dissolution of the USSR, making them huge factors on Finnish nationalism (Historical Highlights) . The effects of WWII would be gruesome for Finland and help shape its nationali sm for Finland today. Finland was originally an independent country when it was settled by Laps in about the year 700. This independence was short lived after it was incorporated into the Kingdom of Sweden in the twelfth century for nearly 700 years. Swedish would become the dominant language. Under Swedish rule, Finland would be introduced to Roman Catholicism. This would help to include Finland with the western culture. Also, Finland would come to experience similar economic and social experiences that Sweden would. Finland would nearly have no sense of national identity for a period of time. Finland would essentially be considered a part of Sweden. Then, in 1807, Finland would be conquered by Russia and remain a part of Russia up until its inde... ...allenge to Peacemakers (Mar., 1944), pp.33-38. Kirby, David (2006). A concise history of Finland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 343. Manninen, Laura. "War and Remembrance: An Aftermath of the Lapland War." Ethnologia Scandinavica 21(1991):53-63. Reese, Roger R. "Surrender And Capture In The Winter War And Great Patriotic War: Which Was The Anomaly?." Global War Studies 8.1 (2011): 87-98. Historical Abstracts. Web. 5 Dec. 2013. Tillotson, H.M. (1993). Finland at peace & war 1918–1993. Michael Russell. Trueman, Chris. "The Winter War 1939." The Winter War 1939., n.d. Web. 9 Dec 2013. . cited Vares, Vesa. "Creating A State And National Identity. Finland And Europe: 1918-1922." Valahian Journal Of Historical Studies 14.(2010): 79-104. Historical Abstracts. Web. 7 Dec. 2013.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The State of US-EU Relations Essay -- International Relations Europe A

The State of US-EU Relations Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my pleasure to speak to you today on the unfortunately precarious state of affairs between the United States and Europe. As you all know, hegemonic power has shifted between European nations for centuries, while the United States did not emerge as such an influential entity until after World War II. Since these post-war reconstructive years, the United States has continued to grow in social, economic, political, and diplomatic strength, thus cementing its role as a major international power. Although Europe came out of the war battered and bruised, it rose up out of the ashes, and surpassed its former glory to start yet another chapter in its historical saga. After Europe got back on its feet, the European Union was created, which is undoubtedly a major modern success story. The US and the EU have achieved high levels of development and stability that have led them to take on both regional and global leadership roles. Representatives from both bodies work side by side in the creation and implementation of policy in organizations such as the UN and the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development). Unfortunately, this rosy picture of harmonious relations is more than a little bit idealistic. To say that there have not been times of tension and strife between the US and the EU would obviously be incorrect. Even to say, that the days of friction and discord are over would be a fallacy, because certain issues continue to put a strain on US-EU relations. In order to detail the â€Å"why† for the current state of US-EU relations, I will first talk about how past and present conflicts and failures of policy have been caused by fundamenta... ...lliance has been a critical component of the international system for the past five decade†¦ [but] the transatlantic relationship is now under serious strain†¦Cooperation across the Atlantic will remain critical for addressing the regional and increasingly global challenges likely to be central in the twenty-first century†¦Despite the forces pushing apart the two sides of the Atlantic, the United States and Europe still have compatible interests and complementary capabilities†¦[and] virtually every objective that Americans and Europeans seek will be easier to attain if they work together†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 15 Thank you very much for allowing me to speak today on the Atlantic Rift and the State of US-EU Relations. I hope to see you all again, as the United States and the European Union work through their differences, and continue to come together at the global bargaining table.

Research proposal for Risk Management Essay

Introduction: The increasing pace of change, customer demands and market globalization all put risk management high on the agenda for forward thinking companies. Risks cause cost overrun and schedule delay in many projects. The effectiveness of risk management becomes an important issue in project management. To make risk management more efficient and effective, all parties must understand risk responsibilities, risk event conditions, risk preference, and risk management capabilities (Wehrung et al. 1988; Al-Bahar and Crandall 1990) Different parties involved in a construction project face a variety of uncertain factors. These factors can be compiled under the category of risk. Making decisions on the basis of assumptions, expectations, estimates and forecasts of future events involves taking risks. Risk and uncertainty characterize situations where the actual outcome for a particular event or activity is likely to deviate from the estimate or forecast value (Raftery 1994). The definition of risk management varies; risk management is generally defined as, ‘A formal orderly process for systematically identifying, analysing, and responding to risk events throughout the life of a project to obtain the optimum or acceptable degree of risk elimination or control’ (Al-Bahar & Crandall 1990). The objective of my research is to present the perception of typical Chinese contractor towards construction risk. The result of surveys should further clarify the current perception of contractors regarding current construction circumstance in the industry. The data and information will be collected from published statistics, individual interviews and questionnaires, and the data will be used to compare with previous published surveys. The purpose of this comparison is  to identify perception and trends in construction risk management. A basic understanding of current attitudes and trends therefore will be indicated. Then I will adopt some appropriate case to enhance my understanding of my view point. The following proposal presents the ‘What’ and ‘How’ of my study, using an integrated approach to study risk and its management in Chinese construction industry. Brief introduction of Chinese construction industry China’s economy has shown remarkable growth over the past several years and many foreign economists predict a healthy growth in the near future. According to the Chinese Statistical Yearbook 2002, China’s construction industry achieved 646.2 billion yuan in total output value in 2001, accounting for 6.7 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP). China’s construction industry realized 704.7 billion yuan in total output value in 2002 — an increase of 10.54 percent from the previous year’s 637.5 billion yuan — accounting for 6.9 percent of the national GDP. Construction enterprises reached 45,893 by the end of 2001, employing 21,106,600 people and generating 1,536.156 billion yuan in output value and 402.357 billion yuan in added value. Areas under construction totaled 1,883,286,800 square meters; completed areas covered 976.99 million square meters. Profits totaled 29.439 billion yuan in the year, with taxes at 49.903 billion yuan. Of the enterprises, 44,997 were Chinese with 20,986,800 staff members. The companies reaped 1,518.595 billion yuan in output value in 2001 and 398.022 billion yuan in added value. Areas under construction numbered 1,874,480,800 square meters and completed areas completed covered 972.532,300 square meters. Profits reached 28.83 billion yuan, with taxes at 49.392 billion yuan. (China Statistical Yearbook, 2002) Recent trends of risk management in Chinese construction industry For years, the Chinese construction industry has had a very poor reputation for coping with risk, with many projects failing to meet deadlines and cost targets. This can be traced to many causes as Lu mentioned, including: Technical, quality or performance reasons, such as employment of inexperienced designers, changes to the technology used or to industry standards during the project. Organizational problems, such as cost, time and scope objectives that are internally inconsistent, lack of prioritization of projects, inadequacy or interruption of funding, and resource conflicts with other projects in the organization. External problems, such as shifting legal or regulatory environment, poor geological conditions and weather, force majeure. Project management, such as poor allocation of time and resources, inadequate quality of project plan, and poor use of project management disciplines. (Lu 2003) Risk management is still new to China; it was introduced and applied in construction industry for a relative short period. Survey showed that Chinese contractors are often responsible for most risk factors, meanwhile, the use of risk analysis techniques for managing and controlling risk are generally low among the Chinese construction industry. Basically, most contractors still resort to the subjective judgment and practice experience for perceiving and managing risks. However, according to Chinese Statistical Yearbook 2004, situation was improving. During the Tenth Five-Year Plan, China’s construction industry has so far enjoyed a good opportunity for development, more and more parties involved in the construction projects raised their perception of risk and the attitude towards risk management improved. (China Statistical Yearbook, 2004) Literature Review The literature review in this part is mainly about the identification of risk resources, classification of risk, perception of risk and basic theory of risk management as well. Sources of risk There are many resources of risk that an organization must take into account before a decision is made. It is therefore important that these sources of risk are identified allowing the necessary analysis and response to take place. According to Merna and Smith, sources of risk to business from projects including as follows: political, environmental, planning, market, economic, financial, natural, project, technical, regulatory, human, criminal, safety, legal. (Merna and Smith 1996). A source of risk is any factor that can affect project or business performance, and risk arises when this is both uncertain and significance in its impact on project or business performance. Classification of risk It is helpful to try to categorize risk associated with projects both as a guide to identification and to facilitate the selection of the most appropriate risk management strategy. Merna and smith proposed one method to separate the more general risks which might influence a project but may be outside the control of elements; these are referred to as global and elemental risks. Global risks originate from sources external to the project environment. They are often predictable but not always controllable. Global risks can be subdivided into four sections: political, legal, commercial and environmental risk. Elemental risks are those risks associated with elements of the project, namely implementation risks and operation risks, and for some projects there will be financial risks and revenue risks. These risks are more likely to be controllable or manageable by project parties. (Smith 2003) Perceptions of risk Different people will respond to seemingly similar risky situation in very different ways. Risk perception has a crucial influence on risk taking behavior. The perceived importance attached to decisions influences team  behavior and the consequent implementation methods. Subjectivity, according to Merna, is a key factor in assessing risk. Whether a problem is perceived in terms of potential gains or losses will not be assessed as a simple mathematical calculation of the problem, but as a subjective fear, often linked to consequences of outcomes. Furthermore, he stated that risks are perceived by different stakeholders at different business level. Risk management process In construction projects each of the three primary targets of cost, time and quality is likely to be subject to risks. In terms of project implementation, managers need to be able to undertake or propose action which reduce or eliminate the effects of risks. To achieve this aim, a suggested systematic approach to the management of risk is followed: *Risk Identification: To identify the risk resource; *Risk Analysis: To quantify the effects; *Risk Response: To develop management response to risk Methodology In order to collect data and information for the research and examine the main questions raised, the following methodology will be possibly employed: Secondary Analysis Since direct observation is not very accessible in construction industry in China, secondary analysis is more preferable. Secondary analysis is the reanalysis of data that was originally compiled by another researcher for other purposes than the one the present researcher intends to use it for. The sources that I would use include archives, newspaper, and magazine articles. I will try to choose the sources which are more objective. I will adopt appropriate methods to find the useful data and information for my  research on risk management. Questionnaire Questionnaires are an inexpensive way to gather data from a potentially large number of respondents. Often they are the only feasible way to reach a number of reviewers large enough to allow statistically analysis of the results. For my study, the questionnaire is designed to collect data. The data will be compared with data collected from a similar survey conducted in 1979 by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). The purpose of this comparison is to identify ant trends in construction risk that will facilitate risk management. The reasons for me to choose questionnaire as research method as follows: Firstly, a Questionnaire can save resources and money. Although preparation may be costly, any data collection scheme will have similar preparation expenses. The administration cost per person of a questionnaire can be as low as postage and a few photocopies. Time is also an important resource that questionnaires can maximize. Secondly, Questionnaires are easy to administer confidentially. Thirdly, in studies that have resources to pursue other data collection strategies, questionnaires can be a useful confirmation tools. Thus, questionnaires are versatile, allowing the collection of both subjective and objective data through the use of open or closed format questions. Modern computers have only made the task of collecting and extracting valuable material more efficient. Individual Interviews Interviews will enable me to do most of the qualitative part of my research, and the information gained here is usually more realistic. I plan to interview some engineers, some project management team and some experienced project managers as well. In addition, Individual interviews by a way of structured questionnaire will also be used to collect information about the risk management perception. The interview is especially important for some proposed examining questions. I will also attempt to interview some  professional journal editors relating to construction industry. Case Study Case study research is the most common qualitative method used in risk management. As Yin (2002) defined, the scope of a case study as follows: A case study is an empirical inquiry that: *investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, *especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. For my research on risk management, I will choose some recent cases which relating to risk management as a way of identifying the perception and trends of risk management in construction industry in China. I will select both success and failing cases in Chinese construction industry. Proposed research Timetable I will spend about 4 months for my studies. I plan to spend the first month developing my proposal and methodology and completing the literature review. During this time, I will also try to obtain relevant published data and information. Then I plan to spend about one month in China obtaining statistics, doing questionnaires and interviews. I will spend the next two months in China so as to do some intensive fieldwork, and some follow-up jobs as well. May 2005 – June 2005 *Develop proposal and methodology and complete the literature review *Obtain relevant published statistics June 2005 – July 2005 *Intensive fieldwork in China *Analysis the statistics and data obtained July 2005 – August 2005 *Follow-up questionnaires and interviews and fieldwork in China August 2005 – September 2005 *Mainly work on the thesis (Details see attached Gantt chart) References: Al-Bahar, J. F., and Crandall, K. C. (1990) Systematic risk management approach for construction projects. Journal of Construction Engineering Management, 116~3, 533-546. China Statistical Yearbook, 2002, China Statistics Press. China Statistical Yearbook 2004, China Statistics Press. Lu, Y. J. (2003) Risk Management for Large-scale Infrastructure Projects in China, 11 Merna, A. and Smith, N. J. (1996) Projects procured by privately financial concession contracts, vol.1. Asia Law and Practice, Hong Kong. Raftery, J. (1994) Risk Analysis in Project Management. E & FN Spon, London. Smith, N. J. (2003) Appraisal, Risk and Uncertainty. 6, 42-43 Wehrung, D. A., Lee, K., Tse, D. K., and Vertinsky, I. B. (1988). Adjusting risky situations: A theoretical framework and empirical test. Journal of Risk Uncertainty, 2, 189-212. Yin, R. K. (2002) Case Study Research, Design and Methods, 3rd ed. Newbury Park, Sage Publications.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Racism & Ethnic Identity Essay

Race is evidently an important aspect in our Australian society today. It is personified in the biological makeup of an individual. Individuals of different racial background differ in physical appearance such as skin color, and facial features making DNA and genes the only cause behind these dissimilarities. Many races have been introduced into this nation since decades and slowly have been recognized such as the Caucasian race and the Asian race. Ethnicity while slightly related to race is based upon a person’s cultural and social expression within an ethnic group; this entails for instance that although one may be of a Caucasian descent born and raised in Australia they also may acquire an ethnic background from Greece and follow the Greek traditions and customs thus making them of Australian-Greek nationality. This paper will recount the different races which exist in Australia as well as some popular ethnic backgrounds which this country has become familiar with whilst narrating and analyzing a number of issues facing ethnicity and race in our society today. The first issue facing ethnicity is the fact which promptly makes individuals assume that other persons of an ethnic descent are liable for criminal omissions. It is often simple for people to identify ethnic members when a crime is involved as it is much easier to classify these individuals due to their distinct physical appearance. Conflict is a natural phase during times of change, however the next issue points out that it can become violent when that particular change is not managed properly and in a just way; such as inequality of the distribution of power which could lead different sections of society against each other and form their own ethnic groups to compete for power in retaliation. Therefore conflict is likely to occur when communication between ethnic, religious or cultural groups deteriorates or breaks down resulting in more conflict and problematic situations. The third issue causing a stir in today’s society is racism or racial discrimination. It is evident that immigrants have been disadvantaged in the work force as well as social welfare simply because of their racial background; the law has developed remarkably over time to protect individuals against racism of any kind. This report will set the main argument of why this has become an integral part for our society with respect to social analysis.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Bench Strength

Any thriving business is cognizant of the fact that their success hinges significantly upon the services and loyalty of key personnel, as well as the ability to attract, retain and motivate qualified staff. Of course it does not stop with hiring and retention, the most important aspect of human resources is to be able to recognize potential leaders and train them accordingly so as to prepare them for more responsibilities and leadership roles as they grow with the company. The term bench strength refers to the depth of any given company’s pool of qualified and potential executives and managers.These short-listed people are being groomed to go up the corporate ladder, in a seamless succession of leadership that will bring stability and increased growth for the company. To make sure that the potential leaders will be up to the task, every company must invest in the training and development of their personnel. This training and development program is so designed in such a way tha t will harness the skills and strengths of these people, in the hopes that they will be able to steer the company through rough waters and towards higher grounds.Potential leaders must be identified, mentored, and exposed to all levels of the company’s operations. This way, these people are able to gain a broader and deeper insight of how the business functions, and as such, be able to contribute in all the levels of operation of the business. According to Conger (2004), â€Å"Succession management must be a flexible system that is oriented toward developmental activities, and not just a rigid list of high-potential employees and the slots they might possibly fill.† An effective bench strength strategy is to create a program that successfully marries succession planning and leadership training and development. This way, the company knows the skills required for leadership positions, and training will be aligned in such a way that these skills are successfully developed . Conger (2004) further maintains that the companies that have the most success in bench strengthening programs are â€Å"those that merge succession planning and leadership development in order to create a long-term process for managing the talent roster across their organizations. †Of course a company cannot develop a succession program if its fails to institute a hiring and retention program that would ensure the appropriate fit of employees to their respective job responsibilities. Human resources must be able to attract and hire the right people the first time. If a company fails in this regard, staffing will eat into the company’s resources, and cause disruption in the business because there is frequent change in personnel, leaving the business without any real sense of succession. (Burkholder, 2003, p. 150) In such cases, some companies are forced to hire outsiders for leadership roles.While this is not necessarily bad, personnel who have been groomed for sensit ive and executive positions are will require less adjustment both from subordinates and higher-ups alike. Companies must first look within and find potential leaders among the ranks. The sense of opportunity and career growth will inspire people and motivate them to work harder and give their best performance in every endeavor. Employees who know that their efforts are noticed and recognized have no reason to leave in search of greener pastures and better opportunities.A company with loyal and hard-working personnel will also have the pool of leaders that they need for a seamless succession of leaders. This internal development program not only saves on cots in terms of cost in time and additional compensation to attract and hiring outside people, but more importantly, boosts the morale of the personnel and ensures the stability of the company in terms of human resources. Therefore before any successful succession and leadership development can be designed, an effective staffing pro gram must first be put in place.Burkholder (2003, 151) maintains that staffing â€Å"must be aligned with the rest of the organization. † This means that staffing must take a proactive role in the company, and not just act on a need basis. There are many techniques to ensure an effective staffing program. One method is called the Baldridge process. This program requires a company to take self-assessment. This self-assessment is designed to help companies align their business processes and operations with fluctuating business needs and with the highly fickle labor market. By so doing, this recognizes the strategic role of the staffing group in the business.(Burkholder, 2003, 152) The main advantage of using the Baldridge process is that it empowers the staffing group and acknowledges their value in the business. Knowing that they have full support of the company, an empowered staffing group is thus able to create better and more efficient hiring and recruitment programs that w ill ensure the best matching of people to their spheres of responsibility. The entire business must operate as a single entity, with each department geared towards forwarding the business’ core values and achieving financial success for the company.When designing or implementing any type of staffing and retention programs, it is important to involve all the employees. It is a good idea to solicit their ideas and feedback. A cross-section of all departments must give their suggestions, this is to ensure that staffing and retention practices will be highly aligned with the needs of the company. After the programs have been implemented, there must be a system that will regularly monitor and evaluate the programs.Such a system allows dfor continued improvement; buttressing the good points and working on the not-so-good aspects of the program. (Harris & Brannick, 1999, p. 206) Every organization, regardless of its size will benefit from competent people. The issue that every compa ny must address is how to invite these people and keep them once they have been hired. The next step once you have retained these leaders, is to provide them with growth opportunities that would harness their skills and competencies to the benefit of the entire business.As the company grows, your key personnel should be made capable to handle decision-making responsibilities. To achieve this, your staffing group must be explicitly involved in the planning and implementation of the company’s business plan. By being aware of the objectives of the company, the staffing group has a framework by which to design its own hiring and retention procedures and programs in such a way that contributes to the realization of these goals. (Becker, 2001, p.29) Indeed when a department knows what is expected of them and how they can help the organization, all their energies will be focused towards the attainment of that common goal. Every company must endeavor to encourage a sense of community and participation across all levels of the organization. Only then can a business ever have a chance at carving a niche for itself in the highly competitive world of the free market. References: Becker, B. E. , Huselid, M. A. (2001). The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance.Harvard Business School Press. Brannick, J. & Harris, J (1999). Finding & Keeping Great Employees. NJ: AMACOM Div American Management Association. Burkholder, N. C. , Edwards, P. J. , Sartain, L. (2003). On Staffing: Advice and Perspectives from HR Leaders. NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Conger, J. A. & Fulmer, R. M. , (2003). Bench Strength: Grooming Your Next CEO. Developing Your Leadership Pipeline. Harvard Business Review. Vol. 81, No. 12. Retrieved on August 5, 2007 from http://hbswk. hbs. edu/archive/3855. html

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Civil Disobedience Essay

Based on the writings of Henry David Thoreau it is very relevant that he is very opposed to government involvement of any kind. He doesn’t believe that the government should be involved in everyday life. Thoreau doesn’t understand the point of having a government system that will be useful to everyone and not just a select few. Thoreau proceeds to explain his many reasons as to why the â€Å"government is best [when it] governs [the] least.† He thought people should stand up to the very ones that made society so corrupt and weak. Thoreau believes the government puts personal selfish interests on a pedestal. Thoreau’s opening statement set the tone for his entire essay. He begins his essay by saying that the government, so far, has rarely proven to be useful. He believes that the power the government has derived from the majority rather than the few. This is mainly because the majority is the strongest group not because their viewpoint is right but because they have many in numbers. He then continues to express the fact that many people do what they believe is right and not to just follow the law created by the majority. He insists that people should do away with the law all together when the legal system becomes unjust. Thoreau then states that the United States is a perfect example of an unjust government. He believes that is because of the fact that they have shown support of slavery and they have participated in the practice of aggressive war. In regards to a man following his first obligation, Thoreau believes that a man isn’t obligated to get rid of the evils of the world, but he is obligated not to take part in these evils. This means that no man should feel the need to participate in an unruly government if he does not choose to do so. Thoreau asks, â€Å"Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience, then? I think we should be men first, and subjects afterward.† He is basically stating that it is far more important to develop respect for what is right, rather than a respect for law. Thoreau sets a very powerful and aggressive tone by choosing to open his essay this way. Thoreau doesn’t see the effectiveness of reform within the US government. Thus, he wants his readers to feel the same way. He then says that he is convinced that petitioning and voting for change achieves very little. Thoreau uses a wide variety of examples, some personal, that depict the unjust system that he discusses. By using his own personal experiences, he is allowing the reader to fully understand everything he is trying to depict. He speaks on the fact that during a protest against slavery, he refused to pay the taxes that were issued to him. Because of his refusal to pay the taxes, he spent the night in jail. But, overall his thoughts and opinions dissociated him from the government because he chose not to participate in its institutions. He then states that one can’t see the government for what it really is because one is still working within it. And, in this way they believe that everything is justified because they are a part of the strong majority. He feels that having too much respect for law causes people to do wild things. For example, he believes that the government has turned soldiers into machines for their own personal use making them a shadow of what is real. Thoreau is very passionate and honest about everything that he says. He wants the reader to know exactly where in his heart these words are coming from. He never uses a harsh syntax or diction when writing because he doesn’t want to sound angry. Throughout his essay, Thoreau uses an intense appeal to pathos. He mostly uses pathos when he describes a conversation with his cell mate. Thoreau asks his fellow prisoner what he got put in jail for and the man replied saying, â€Å"they accuse me of burning a barn; but I never done it.† Thoreau does this to appeal to the emotion of his readers by showing them that what the government does isn’t fair. He also shows this when he says that he has been waiting 3 months for his trial, and he will probably have to wait another 3 months before he actually gets his trial. Thoreau describes the conversation to paint a picture in the minds of his readers, of an innocent man that had to wait a half a year to attempt to prove innocence. The fact that this innocent man was spending his waiting time in jail, draws a lot of sympathy from his readers. Thoreau also uses a great deal of imagery in this essay. When describing his  jail cell, he used â€Å"the rooms were white†¦washed once a month†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He was doing this to show his audience that his punishment really wasn’t as bad as most people thought it would be. Thoreau even said that he viewed his cell almost as if it were an apartment, and the jail house, a city. This supports his idea that jail technically isn’t a punishment for those in it. Thoreau, here, is trying to persuade the readers to stand together and revolt against the government because it is their duty to do so. He then goes on to say that neither him, nor his cell mate pose any real threat to society. This makes the reader question his place in jail. If he really wasn’t a threat, then why was he locked up? Thoreau is very opinionated about his very broad views of the government. He believes that the government has only lasted this long because people refuse to execute their own will. And, until this happens, no changes will ever be made. Thoreau wishes for a society in which man makes decisions of his own mind and not the mind of those that are trying to suppress the truth. In some aspects Thoreau is right. Some current laws are not honorable. Overall, Thoreau just wants to conform to the laws set in place, but he feels that that phenomenon won’t happen. In his essay, Thoreau makes it very clear of his idea that â€Å"government is best [when it] governs [the] least.† He uses many rhetorical strategies such as imagery, symbolism and pathos as an effort to persuade the readers that the best kind of government is one of laissez-faire. His main ideas were present in his writing. He wanted to show people that a hands-off government is not the best thing for everyone. Because if he was thrown in jail for one night due to the fact he didn’t pay poll tax for six years, then why don’t people step up and revolt against the government? He wanted the reader to feel empowered by his words so that there could truly be a change in government policies.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Hospital Atmosphere and a Noble Profession Essay

Hospital Atmosphere and a Noble Profession - Essay Example I had always developed an impression that hospitals and patients would do better with more readily available service. Hospitals are perpetually short of hands and either fewer nurses are available, or hospitals are not employing enough of them. Many times I have noticed that patients are more in need of constant help, whereas hospitals are unable to provide such help. This usually ends in patient dissatisfaction and deprival. While being hospitalized, people need more individual attention, constant companionship and staff presence. It is very important for me to get admission into nursing, as I cannot compromise with another career easily. I do not like to take up a career for which I do not feel a positive response. I would like to do the work that motivates me. And till now, hospital work is the only work in which I am sure, that I will find fulfilment. Hospital atmosphere inspires me to be kind and helpful to fellow human beings who are, at that moment, in need of help. It could b e due to the right vibes I received from my mother’s routine work in the hospital, or could be my own mental make-up; I always thought that nursing is a noble profession and never changed my mind on that ideal. It is imperative for me to find the right career at this juncture of my life so that I could proceed about my future in a systematic way and avoid confusion about the chosen goal. I would like to impress that I am passionate about this work and hope to have a long and fulfilling career in it.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Unit 3 assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Unit 3 assignment - Essay Example how the problem has affected the citizens and the world at large in order for the reader to have detailed information concerning the problem being research. The author did not give the central aim of research. Instead, he highlighted the problem in the literature review. This results to failure of the author to attract the attention of reader. Although he highlighted that he will use quantitative and qualitative methods to collect their data that they will use in making the conclusion, they never gave the size of the population. In a well researched paper, the author should state the research methods used eg longitudinal design or use of focus groups to retrieve information. In addition, the author could have explained more on how he manipulated the data obtained through coding to come up with report or conclusion. He never highlighted the size of the sample to be used in gathering the information. This is important in helping the reader determine the credibility of the information discussed in the paper. Furthermore, he did not summarize the results obtained in the study. This could have given the reader a clue of what to expect after reading the whole article. Nevertheless, the paper qualify to be a research paper because it has been well formatted despite major points of a research paper being missed. Fraud has been one of the major problems that have been facing health sectors in the world an aspect that has caused them lose a lot of money. This paper addresses the issue of Medicare fraud by pinning down the core problem bringing about the fraud in the first place and then seeks ways in which by using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method approaches, the problem can actually be studied, understood and addressed appropriately. To gain clarity of objective, the issue is addressed from different world views and more importantly, aligns the world view with the research methodologies.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Accessibility, what it means and why is it important when designing a Essay

Accessibility, what it means and why is it important when designing a website - Essay Example It is necessary to keep in mind the importance of accessibility in designing a website. As much as web designers hope to make their website as creative as possible, their main goal should be to make it serve its purpose and function. Designers’ imagination and creativity are challenged with accessibility’s limiting factor (Tarn, â€Å"Making the Digital†). While the use of Web is no longer limited to the basic operations such as entertainment and basic browsing, it already requires advanced features that make it useful for people to interact to each other on various purposes such as a mere communication, wellness, education, financial transaction, and entertainment (Burks 7). Significant advantages are identified when accessibility is taken in consideration in website design. They are beneficial for the owners of the website as well as its designers as they would not only comply with the Web Accessibility Initiative and the Disability Discriminations Act 1995, bu t it also increases their credibility as owners and website designers. Apart from this, the number of users who visit the website also increases such that it caters to users with or without disability. Websites with good accessibility are also known to have increased search engine optimization (Sabasaje, â€Å"Web Design†; Gibbins, â€Å"The Growing Importance†; â€Å"The Importance of Web Accessibility†). Keeping this in mind, web designers should understand that flexibility is necessary in such a way that it would allow different kinds of users to access the website as well as the information that they need from it (Burks

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

American Music History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

American Music History - Essay Example This first part of the book also illustrates how more cultured music began developing in America through the formation of singing schools as a means of improving the music used in church and then how music began expanding to become more secular in nature as it emerged as a primary source of entertainment. Part two examines America’s shift to a more European form of musical expression in the addition of various complexities such as harmony and multi-instrumental pieces despite a continued love for earlier musical forms in the country and singing schools. Music became more varied as well, as minstrel shows featured white people mimicking the songs of the African American slaves and concerts grew in popularity. Soloists were fewer but remained popular, often touring the country to provide entertainment. From the culture of mixed musical sounds grew entirely new forms of musical expression such as ragtime, mountain music, honky-tonk, swing, jazz and the blues, which is the primary topic of the third part of the book. The country’s love for much of jazz music led to the formation of the Big Bands, which became popular during the 1930s and necessitated the creation of arranged tunes instead of the earlier improvised versions and the diversification of jazz overall. Part four highlights the influence of Latin dances on the American music scene and the ways in which country-western merged with jazz and the blues to create rock and roll. Motown, Soul and the British invasion through the Beatles and the Rolling Stones are included in this part of the book. Punk, New Age, Grunge, Rap and the introduction of electronic instruments are also discussed in this segment. Part five turns its attention to the entertainment aspects of America’s musical scene in things such as Burlesque, Vaudeville, operettas, revues, Broadway and the American musicals. The incorporation of music into almost all of America’s popular

Monday, September 9, 2019

Employees Motivation and Empowerment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Employees Motivation and Empowerment - Essay Example At the same time motivation has different facets that need to be analyzed for a better understanding over this concept. In the discussion, the role of motivation and empowerment, as important aspects of leadership has been underpinned in an illustrative and logical manner. The first part of the discussion highlights wide arrays of theories on motivation and empowerment along with understanding its positive and negative implications in the competitive business environment. It needs to be understood that every organization has different ways of empowering and motivating its employees based on organizational goals and objectives and understanding over the internal and external environment. The discussion encompasses these elements while defining the use, importance and relevance of the motivation and empowerment. The second part of the discussion highlights the motivation and empowerment practices prevailing in Google along with relating the discussed theories in the first part with the operational framework of Google. This has been done to understand the overall worthiness of these theories in one of the highly admired and desired organizations across the world. The second part of the discussion also relates the prevailing motivation and empowerment practices of Google with other organizations in order to analyze the global acceptance and appeal of these practices and theories in the global business environment. This will also help in understanding the overall importance of key concepts of employees motivation and empowerment. Employee’s Motivation â€Å"Academic theories about employee motivation, empowerment and performance are just that -theories. They are of little practical use to business leaders or their companies†. This sentence can be considered as quite true and practical in the context of the current business environment as leadership is intangible in nature with no clear definition. It is a quality that reflects in the behavior and attit ude of leaders along with affecting the behavior and attitude of others within the organization (Adams, 1997 p- 287). Moreover, this statement requires proper understanding and analysis to identify whether these are only theories or have some practical implication within the organization. It is important to assess whether organizations mould their culture and behavior as per the written theories or identify new ways by understanding their sources and resources. For this purpose, wide arrays of theories on motivation has been studied and analyzed. Motivation is one of the highly complex topics in the management studies with a number of theories defining the actual purpose and importance of motivation. These theories can be considered as of great importance for managers and leaders to identify ways of improving employee’s commitment level and performance at work. Motivation can be defined as the influences and processes that either increases or decreases an individual’s desire to achieve personal and organizational goals in the short as well as in the long run. On the other hand, performance can be defined as fulfillment of tasks and responsibilities in a desired manner affecting the operational framework of an organization. It can be assumed that there is a close relationship between motivation and performance. If the motivational processes and influences help in increasing an individual’s desire to achieve mutual goals, it will positively affect his performance by extracting the best out of him in any kind of situations. Empowerment can be considered